Skytrak tgc settings


High BackSpin Correction=ON With this off skytrak tgc settings any force underneath 1500 RPM falls out of the sky

Show Club Data=ON

Putting Straight=ON

TGC Borderless Window=OFF

[Course Configuration]

Green Stimp=5 The speed of the green when placing

Green Firmness=1 How company the green is when touchdown

Green Speed=three The veggies pace relative to how it turned into designed

[TGC Online]

Shot Recording=ON




Horizontal Angle Correction=ON With on all putt cross lifeless immediately

Short Chip Correction=OFF

Putting Correction=ON No idea

Driver Boost=0 Boost is apparent. It provides ball velocity. Max is five% on excursion

Wood Boost=zero Same

Iron Boost=0 ASame

Wedge Boost=0 Same

Putter Boost=0 Same

Rapsodo R-Motion assessment

A little past due to the sport, however I decided to give the R-Motion a attempt typically because it advertises that it gives a few primary statistics approximately my swing however also because it integrates, and is derived with, a unfastened version of a simulator. The evaluations on R-Motion are blended at first-class, but I was hoping I could be able to get one of the better reviews. There are a few elements to the R-Motion to dig into; the R-Motion tool, the App, the records and the Simulator.


•             Relatively reliant ball flight and swing path show on the R-Motion app and GameGolf.

•             Free simulator GameGolf is a pretty amusing and useful. Great for a quick 18 rounds at home.


•             Both GameGolf and R-Motion offer little to no practise out of the box. Almost the whole lot of price I discovered were on forums….Nonetheless various through “specialists”.

•             Neither GameGolf nor R-Motion offer a person pleasant revel in to rename or add golf equipment. R-Motion affords a full range to pick out from, however GameGolf is unnecessarily restrictive.

•             I saw on several GameGolf forums you can’t alternate the loft extra than 5 degrees from the default…….Actual…..However exchange it five levels, save setting, then change it 5 levels greater and also you’re precise to head.

•             R-Motion club attachment is horrendous. Buying more than one is stupid high priced. Regular blue putty from a hardware store is the restoration.

•             R-Motion makes use of a few variance of Rolomotion to collect swing records. Problem is, if you top or stuff a ball it looks at swing path and may display a remarkable hit.

•             GameGolf – short chips take some being used to. Putting is sincerely pointless. There is a setting to mechanically take a 1 or 2 stroke based on distance.

•             R-Motion – On my Pixel cellphone I cannot permit the R-Motion switch on earlier than logging in or the app will freeze then want to restart telephone. Must login first, then set off the R-Motion device.

•             No way to export swing records or track development.

I added R-Motion with me to an indoor exercise facility the usage of a ForeSight tracking system. The  structures song distinctive statistics points so it’s far tough to mention if R-Motion become correct or no longer, however I sense the R-Motion turned into fairly close for the most component and flight path was similar. There were absolutely photographs that the two supplied very exceptional numbers (assuming ForeSight tracker is accurate).

Would I endorse R-Motion? No. The records it presents simply doesn’t help me improve my exercise and the mishits are too unreliable. Also, take into consideration that Rapsodo doesn’t seem to promote it to any extent further.

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